Thank you for joining us for In2 The Now Celebration Summit: Say Yes To YOU! live event! We greatly appreciate your presence!
As Rev. Michael’s thank you gift for your Sacred Yes for attending our live party, here is your copy of his program, 21 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast: A 21-Day Guided Practice to Soul Awakening & Inner Fulfillment.
In this 21-day guided audio program, Rev. Michael jumpstarts you on your soul-awakening journey. By getting intune with your Spiritual nature, you will realize your oneness with God. In-joy!
Day 1: The Souls Organic Freedom
Day 2: Day 2 Make a Commitment to Life!.mp3
Day 3: Service, Not Servitude
Day 4: Freedom's Testimony
Day 5: Have Faith In Faith
Day 6: The Touch of Anointing
Day 7: The Desire Beyond All Desiring
Day 8: The Action Within Inaction
Day 9: Claim Your Divine Dominion
Day 10: Living on The Luxurious Lap of Spirit
Day 11: Set Your Imagination on Fire
Day 12: Uplevel Your Vibratory Contribution
Day 13: Your Spiritual Success Story
Day 14: Courting The Infinite
Day 15: On Being Your Own Hero
Day 16: The Paise-Phrase Of the Heart
Day 17: Access Your Accessibility
Day 18: There Are No Loopholes In Spiritual Law
Day 19: Live From Your First Nature
Day 20: Delight As The Light
Day 21: Birthless Deathless Eternality
Bookmark this page and return each day for your next day's guided audio. To download the audio to you computer, click the 3 bullets on the right.
Agape International Spiritual Center’s mission has always been to create a movement that stands for unconditional love, for peace, and for being a beneficial presence on the planet.
Everything that has happened in the last year offered us the opportunity for accelerated personal and Spiritual introspection, growth, and transformation. Our intention with this Celebration is to inspire you to search for and discover your own Sacred Yes through Divine love, and Oneness with Spirit.
And, our intention is, that by discovering your own Sacred Yes, you will feel empowered to take action to create a world that works for the highest and best for ALL, a world you are happy and joyful to live in!
8549 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 1156, Beverly Hills, CA 90211
Phone: (310) 348 - 1250